How to lag fix in pubg mobile in Phoniex

How to lag fix PUBG mobile in Phoenix OS

After we installing phoenix OS directly we can't play pubg mobile through the OS.We need a performance increasing tool to play the game without lags and keep 60 fps when we are playing.L Speed is the ideal choice for that. 

L Speed is a modification that combines tweaks inside an intuitive application, Its goal is to improve overall performance, reduce significant lags, extend battery life and improve your gaming experience on Android.

Follow Below Steps to Install L-Speed correctly in your Phoenix OS. 

Note-by following under steps you may not face L-speed file crashing problem(have to              install app in every restart) so please install the app under these steps. 

Version      - 2.09
OS            -Android
File Size  - 7.4MB


1. Download the L-Speed app by using above link. 

2.Setup  L-Speed in performance profile.

3.Go  Setting and go to Auto-run

4.Turn on L-Speed as a auto run application.(with this step L-Speed will auto open in every restart no need of do it manually)

5.Enjoy the PUBG mobile without lags.

if you have any questions,please mention it as a comment below. we will reply you as soon as possible.Thank you :-) 


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